Elf Name Generator. Answer these few simple questions to get you into the holiday spirit and find out what your unique elf name would be if you were to head to the North Pole and enlist your services. Elf Name Generator. This list of names was randomly generated to help you find the perfect one for your elf. All you have to do now is choose! Random Selection. Elf Name Generator - you can generate random 30 names for elves. Elves come in many different forms, but they usually share similar traits, so these names also share the overall traits.
Elves prefer names that flow off the tongue like wind through the trees. One of the most common problems GMs and players alike have when playing non-human characters is naming them. Most non-human characters can’t be named from a list of historic names, forcing DMs to make up totally new names. It is difficult to come up with names that are appropriate for non-human characters and consistent with one another. This is especially true for a GM who may find himself trying to come up with a large number of such names on short notice, yet without appropriate names, non-human characters often loose their unique flavor. Especially in the case of elves, it is important that names represent and reflect the race’s special attitudes and philosophies
The elven name generator below has been presented to assist with this daunting task. Although this could not possibly represent all the possible names for a race as old and diverse as the elves, this list can serve as a starting point and quick reference to create a large and consistent list of names.
How it Works: Each elven name consists of a prefix (from Table 2) and one or more suffixes (from Table 3). Definitions have been included in these tables to help determine what a name means once it has been generated. In the case of suffixes, male and female endings have been included where appropriate. Alternate spellings have also been provided in some cases. In Some Cases a formal house name can be generated as well by rolling randomly on Optional Table 1B. These formal House names would be used for ancient noble houses, usually of Grey or Gold Elf Descent.
Female Elf Name Generator. Elves are one of the races that inhabit middle-earth in J.R.R. Tolkein's novels. This generator generates elf names. We’ve even got a Christmas elf name generator that will have the whole family laughing and can help you start brainstorming ideas. Scroll down to the bottom of the post to check it out! ELF ON THE SHELF NAMES. Part of the magic of an Elf on the Shelf arriving at your home for the first time is the joy of naming your new friend.
You may randomly generate an elven name by rolling on Table 1. If you prefer, it is also possible to pick a set of definitions you like and assemble the name that matches them. If your character is a ranger who is fond of bears, you might decide her name should reflect this. Looking at the definitions, you decide her name will mean “Bear-Friend.” This results in the name “Rethar,” “Reethar,” or “Reithar.”
If you don’t like a particular combination, try some of the alternate suffixes listed, or add an “a,” “e,” “i,” “l,” “r,” “s,” “sh,” or an apostrophe. Although not every combination of prefixes and suffixes will sound right, usually only a minor change is called for. If you can’t make a particular name work, try one with a similar meaning. If you didn’t like “Reithar,” try a name that means “Bear-Sister” instead. If you have randomly generated a name and don’t like it’s definition, try altering the order of the words. It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for the name’s meaning. Often the definitions can be combined in a poetic way for better results. In the case of a three or more syllable name, try dropping one or more of the definitions. Anenfel could mean “The Hand of Autumn’s Lake,” “Lake of Autumn’s Hand,” “Autumns Hand,” or just “Autumn Lake.” Don’t worry about two names sharing the same meaning or having two definitions for one name. According to The Complete Book of Elves, the elven language is so full of subtlety and nuance that only native speakers fully understand it. Two names may sound the same to a human, but an elf would know the difference
Table 1 (D10)
D10 | Result |
1-4 | Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 |
5-7 | Roll once on Table 2 and twice on Table 3 |
8-9 | Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 for a first name, then once on Table 2 and twice on Table 3 for a second name |
10 | Roll once on Table 3, add an apostrophe, then roll once on Table 2 and twice on Table 3 |
Optional Table 1B (D10)
D10 | Result |
1-3 | Roll once on Table 4 and once on Table 5 |
4-5 | Roll once on Table 4 and twice on Table 5 |
6-7 | Roll once on Table 4 and once on Table 5, add an apostrophe, then roll again on Table 3. |
8-9 | Roll once on Table 4 and once on Table 5 for a first name, then roll on Table 1 again for a second name. |
10 | Roll once on Table 5, add an apostrophe, then roll once on Table 4 and once on Table 5 |
Table 2 - Prefixes (D100)
{1} Ael: knight {2} Aer : law, order {3} Af : ring {4} Ah : crafty, sly {5} Al : sea {6} Am : swan {7} Ama : beauty, beautiful {8} An : hand {9} Ang : glitter {10} Ansr : rune {11} Ar : gold, golden {12} Arì : silver {13} Arn : south {14} Aza : life, lives {15} Bael : guardian {16} Bes : oath {17} Cael : archer, arrow {18} Cal : faith {19} Cas : herald {20} Cla : rose {21} Cor : legend, legendary {22} Cy : onyx {23} Dae : white {24} Dho : falcon {25} Dre : hound {26} Du : crescent {27} Eil : azure, blue {28} Eir : sharp {29} El : green {30} Er : boar {31} Ev : stag {32} Fera : champion {33} Fi : rain {34} Fir : dark {35} Fis : light {36} Gael : pegasus {37} Gar : owl {38} Gil : griffin {39} Ha : free, freedom {40} Hu : horse {41} Ia : day {42} Il : mist {43} Ja : staff {44} Jar : dove {45} Ka : dragon {46} Kan : eagle {47} Ker : spell {48} Keth : wind {49} Koeh : earth {50} Kor : black | {51} Ky : ruby {52} La : night {53} Laf : moon {54} Lam : east {55} Lue : riddle {56} Ly : wolf {57} Mai : death, slayer {58} Mal : war {59} Mara : priest {60} My : emerald {61} Na : ancient {62} Nai : oak {63} Nim : deep {64} Nu : hope, hopeful {65} Ny : diamond {66} Py : sapphire {67} Raer : unicorn {68} Re : bear {69} Ren : west {70} Rhy (Ry): jade {71} Ru : dream {72} Rua : star {73} Rum : meadow {74} Rid : spear {75} Sae : wood {76} Seh : soft {77} Sel : high {78} Sha : sun {79} She : age, time {80} Si : cat, feline {81} Sim : north {82} Sol : history, memory {83} Sum : water {84} Syl : faerie {85} Ta : fox {86} Tahl : blade {87} Tha : vigil, vigilance {88} Tho : true, truth {89} Ther : sky {90} Thro : lore, sage {91} Tia : magic {92} Tra : tree {93} Ty (Try): crystal {94} Uth : wizard {95} Ver : peace {96} Vil : finger, point {97} Von : ice {98} Ya : bridge, path, way {99} Za : royal {100} Zy : ivory |
Table 3 - Suffixes (D100)
{1} -ae (-nae) : whisper {2} -ael : great {3} -aer / -aera : singer, song {4} -aias / -aia : mate, husband / wife {5} -ah / -aha : wand {6} -aith / -aira : home {7} -al / -ala (-la; -lae; -llae) : harmony {8} -ali : shadow {9} -am / -ama : strider {10} -an / -ana (-a; -ani; -uanna) : make, maker {11} -ar / -ara (-ra) : man / woman {12} -ari (-ri) : spring {13} -aro (-ro) : summer {14} -as (-ash; -sah) : bow, fletcher {15} -ath : by, of, with {16} -avel : sword {17} -brar (-abrar; -ibrar) : craft, crafter {18} -dar (-adar; -odar) : world {19} -deth (-eath; -eth) : eternal {20} -dre : charm, charming {21} -drim (-drimme; -udrim) : flight, flyer {22} -dul : glade {23} -ean : ride, rider {24} -el (ele / -ela) : hawk {25} -emar : honor {26} -en : autumn {27} -er (-erl; -ern) : winter {28} -ess (-esti) : elves, elvin {29} -evar : flute {30} -fel (-afel; -efel) : lake {31} -hal (-ahal; -ihal) : pale, weak {32} -har (-ihar; -uhar) : wisdom, wise {33} -hel (-ahel; -ihel) : sadness, tears {34} -ian / ianna (-ia; -ii; -ion) : lord / lady {35} -iat : fire {36} -ik : might, mighty {37} -il (-iel; -ila; -lie) : gift, giver {38} -im : duty {39} -in (-inar; -ine) : sibling, brother / sister {40} -ir (-ira; -ire) : dusk {41} -is (-iss; -ist) : scribe, scroll {42} -ith (-lath; -lith; -lyth) : child, young {43} -kash (-ashk; -okash) : fate {44} -ki : void {45} -lan / -lanna (-lean; -olan / -ola) : son / daughter {46} -lam (-ilam; -ulam) : fair {47} -lar (-lirr) : shine {48} -las : wild {49} -lian / -lia : master / mistress {50} -lis (-elis; -lys) : breeze | {51} -lon (-ellon) : chief {52} -lyn (-llinn; -lihn) : bolt, ray {53} -mah / -ma (-mahs) : mage {54} -mil (-imil; -umil) : bond, promise {55} -mus : ally, companion {56} -nal (-inal; -onal) : distant, far {57} -nes : heart {58} -nin (-nine; -nyn) : rite, ritual {59} -nis (-anis) : dawn {60} -on/onna: Keep/Keeper {61} -or (oro): Flower {62} -oth (-othi) : gate {63} -que : forgotten, lost {64} -quis : branch, limb {65} -rah(-rae; -raee) : beast {66} -rad(-rahd) : leaf {67} -rail/-ria (-aral; -ral; -ryl) : hunt, hunter {68} -ran (-re; -reen) : binding, shackles {69} -reth (-rath) : arcane {70} -ro (-ri; -ron) : walker, walks {71} -ruil (-aruil; -eruil) : noble {72} -sal (-isal; -sali) : honey, sweet {73} -san : drink, wine {74} -sar (-asar; -isar) : quest, seeker {75} -sel (-asel; -isel) : mountain {76} -sha (-she; -shor) : ocean {77} -spar : fist {78} -tae (-itae) : beloved, love {79} -tas (-itas) : wall, ward {80} -ten (-iten) : spinner {81} -thal /-tha (-ethal / -etha) : heal, healer, healing {82} -thar (-ethar; -ithar) : friend {83} -ther (-ather; -thir) : armor, protection {84} -thi (-ethil; -thil) : wing {85} -thus /-thas (-aethus / -aethas) : harp, harper {86} -ti (-eti;-til) : eye, sight {87} -tril /-tria (-atri; -atril / -atria) : dance, dancer {88} -ual (-lua) : holy {89} -uath (-luth; -uth) : lance {90} -us /-ua : cousin, kin {91} -van /-vanna : forest {92} -var /-vara (-avar / -avara) : father / mother {93} -vain (-avain) : spirit {94} -via (-avia) : good fortune, luck {95} -vin (-avin) : storm {96} -wyn : music, muscian {97} -ya : helm {98} -yr / -yn : bringer {99} -yth : folk, people {100} -zair /-zara (-azair / -ezara) : lightning |
Table 4 - House Name Prefixes(D100)
{1-3} Alean : The noble line of {4-6} Alea : Traders in {7-10} Arabi : Daughters of {11-13} Arkenea : Mages of {14-16} Auvrea : Blood of the {17-20} Baequi : Blessed by {21-23} Banni : Holder's of {24-26} CyGreen : Warriors from {27-30} Dirth : Victors of {31-33} Dryear : Champions of {34-36} Dwin’ : Walkers in {37-40} Eyllis : Lands of {41-43} Eyther : The Forests of {44-46} Freani : Friends to {47-50} Gysse : Clan of | {51-53} Heasi : Those above {54-56} Hlae : Seers of {57-60} Hunith : The sisterhood of {61-63} Kennyr : Sworn to {64-66} Kille : People of {67-70} Maern : Defenders from {71-73} Melith : Mothers of {74-76} Myrth : HonouGreen of {77-80} Norre : SacGreen to {81-83} Orle : Guild of {84-86} Oussea : Heirs to {87-90} Rilynn : House of {91-93} Teasen' : Trackers of {94-96} Tyr : Mistresses of {97-00} Tyrnea : Children of |
Table 5 - House Name Suffixes (D100)
{1-3} -altin : The branch {4-6} -anea : The night {7-10} -annia : The willow {11-13} -aear : Water {14-16} -arnith : Fire {17-20} -atear : The way {21-23} -athem : The dragons {24-26} -dlues : The bow {27-30} -elrvis : The leaves {31-33} -eplith : The forest {34-36} -ettln : Magic {37-40} -ghymn : The forgotten ways {41-43} -itryn : History {44-46} -lylth : The blade {47-50} -mitore : The moon | {51-53} -nddare : The winds {54-56} -neldth : The arcane {57-60} -rae : Powers of Light {61-63} -raheal : The gods {64-66} -rretyn : The heavens {67-70} -sithek : Adamantite {71-73} -thym : Challenges {74-76} -tlarn : Mysteries {77-80} -tlithar : Victory {81-83} -tylar : The healers {84-86} -undlin : The lover’s kiss {87-90} -urdrenn : The light {91-93} -valsa : Silken weaver {94-96} -virrea : Success {97-100} -zea : The crystal growth |
These tables work pretty much the same as the tables above. Each Drow name consists of a prefix (from Table 2) and one or more suffixes (from Table 3),and then a house name consisting of a prefix (from table 4) and one or more suffixes (from table 5). However because all the tables can be used feel free to choose which tables these prefix and sufix are being generated from. Definitions have been included in these tables to help determine what a name means once it has been generated. In the case of suffixes, male and female endings have been included where appropriate. Alternate spellings have also been provided in some cases.
You may randomly generate an Drow name by rolling on Table 1. If you prefer, it is also possible to pick a set of definitions you like and assemble the name that matches them. If your character is a Wizard who is fond of spiders, you might decide her name should reflect this. Looking at the definitions, you decide her name will mean “Spider-Mage.” This results in the name “G’eldriina' or “G'eldree”
If you don’t like a particular combination, try some of the alternate suffixes listed, or add an “a,” “e,” “i,” “l,” “r,” “s,” “sh,” or an apostrophe. Although not every combination of prefixes and suffixes will sound right, usually only a minor change is called for. If you can’t make a particular name work, try one with a similar meaning. If you didn’t like “G’eldriina,” try a name that means “Spider-Sister” instead. If you have randomly generated a name and don’t like it’s definition, try altering the order of the words. It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for the name’s meaning. Often the definitions can be combined in a poetic way for better results. In the case of a three or more syllable name, try dropping one or more of the definitions.Above all Remeber that these names can be a mixture of two naming conventions and may not truely reflect a personality of the name but the Mix of both Personality and Traditions
Elf Name Generator For Kids
Drow, like their Elven cousins prefer names that flow off the tongue, however their names tend to have a harsher sound to them. The Drow name generator below has been presented to assist crafting Drow names, however it is important to note that Suface Drow may have names that are harsher and not truely reflective of thier nature as their names also come from a tradition of millenia of evil. It is also possibnle that Suface drow will adopt a mix of but Drow and Suface elf name traditions. As this set of tables can not possibly represent all the possible names availiable to Surface Drow, this list combined with the Elven lists above can serve to generate names that reflect this new naming conventio0n as well as give a decent starting point.Table 1 (D10)
D10 | Result |
1-3 | Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 |
4-5 | Roll once on Table 2 and twice on Table 3 |
6-7 | Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3, add an apostrophe, then roll again on Table 3. |
8-9 | Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 for a first name, then roll on Table 1 again for a second name. |
10 | Roll once on Table 3, add an apostrophe, then roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 |
Table 2 - Prefixes (D100)
{1} Akor/Alak : Beloved, best, first {2} Alaun/Alton : Lightning, powerful {3} Aly/Kel : Legendary, singing, song {4} Ang/Adin : Beast, monstrous, savage {5} Ardul/Amal : Blessed, divine, godly {6} Aun/Ant : Crypt, dead, deadly, death {7} Bae/Bar : Fate, fated, luck, lucky {8} Bal/Bel : Burned, burning, fire, flame {9} Belar/Bruh : Arrow, lance, pierced {10} Briz/Berg : Graceful, fluid, water, wet {11} Bur/Bhin : Craft, crafty, sly {12} Chal/Chasz : Earth, stable {13} Char/Kron : Sick, venom, venomed {14} Chess/Cal : Noble, lady/lord {15} Dhaun : Infested, plague {16} Dil/Dur : Cold, ice, still {17} Dirz/Div : Dream, dreaming, fantasy {18} Dris/Riz : Ash, dawn, east, eastern {19} Eclave/Elk : Chaos, mad, madness {20} Elvan/Kalan : Elf, elven, far, lost {21} Elv/Elaug : Drow, mage, power {22} Erel/Rhyl : Eye, moon, spy {23} Ethe/Erth : Mithril, resolute {24} Faer/Selds : Oath, sworn, vow {25} Felyn/Fil : Pale, thin, weak, white {26} Filf/Phar : Dwarf, Dwarven, treacherous {27} Gauss/Orgoll : Dread, fear, feaGreen, vile {28} G’eld : Friend, spider {29} Ghaun : Accursed, curse, unlucky {30} Gin/Din : Berserk, berserker, orc, wild {31} Grey/Gul : Ghost, pale, unloving {32} Hael/Hatch : Marked, trail, way {33} Hal/Sol : Deft, nimble, spider {34} Houn/Rik : Magic, trail, way {35} Iliv/Dip : Liege, war, warrior {36} Ilm : Life, living, spirit, soul {37} Illiam/Im : Devoted, heart, love {38} In/Sorn : Enchanted, spell {39} Ilph : Emerald, green, lush, tree {40} Irae/Ilzt : Arcane, mystic, wizard {41} Irr/Izz : Hidden, mask, masked {42} Iym/Ist : Endless, immortal {43} Jhan/Duag : Shield, warded {44} Jhael/Gel : Ambitious, clan, kin, family {45} Jhul/Jar : Charmed, rune, symbol {46} Jys/Driz : Hard, steel, unyielding {47} Lael/Llt : Iron, west, western {48} Lar/Les : Binding, bound, law, lawful {49} LiNeeer/Mourn : Legend, legendary, mythical {50} Lird/Ryld : Brand, branded, owned, slave | {51} Lua}Lyme : Bright, crystal, light {52} Mal/Malag : Mystery, secret {53} May/Mas : Beautiful, beauty, silver {54} Micar : Lost, poison, widow {55} Min/Ran : Lesser, minor, second {56} Mol/Go : Blue, storm, thunder, wind {57} Myr/Nym : Lost, skeleton, skull {58} Nath/Mer : Doom, doomed, fate {59} Ned/Nad : Cunning, genius, mind, thought {60} Nhil/Nal : Fear, horrible, horror, outraged {61} Neer : Core, root, strong {62} Null/Nil : Sad, tear, weeping {63} Olor/Omar : Skin, tattoo, tattooed {64} Pellan/Relon : North, platinum, wind {65} Phaer/Vorn : Honour, honouGreen {66} Phyr/Phyx : Bless, blessed, blessing {67} Qualn/Quil : Mighty, ocean, sea {68} Quar : Aged, eternal, time {69} Quav/Quev : Charmed, docile, friend {70} Qil/Quil : Foe, goblin, slave {71} Rauv/Welv : Cave, rock, stone {72} Ril/Ryl : Foretold, omen {73} Sabal/Szor : Amber, yellow {74} Sab/Tsab : Abyss, empty, void {75} Shi`n/Kren : Fool, foolish, young {76} Shri/Ssz : Silk, silent {77} Shur/Shar : Dagger, edge, stiletto {78} Shynt : Invisible, skilled, unseen {79} Sin/Szin : Festival, joy, pleasure {80} Ssap/That : Blue, midnight, night {81} Susp/Spir : Learned, skilled, wise {82} Talab/Tluth : Burn, burning, fire {83} Tal/Tar : Love, pain, wound, wounded {84} Triel/Taz : Bat, winged {85} T’riss/Teb : Blade, sharp, sword {86} Ulviir/Uhls : Gold, golden, treasure {87} Umrae/Hurz : Faith, faithful, true {88} Vas/Vesz : Blood, body, flesh {89} Vic : Abyss, deep, profound {90} Vier/Va l : Black, dark, darkness {91} Vlon/Wod : Bold, hero, heroic {92} Waer/Wehl : Deep, hidden, south, southern {93} Wuyon/Wruz : Humble, third, trivial {94} Xull/Url : Blooded, crimson, ruby {95} Xun : Demon, fiend, fiendish {96} Yas/Yaz : Riddle, spinning, thread, web {97} Zar/Zakn : Dusk, haunted, shadow {98} Zebey/Zek : Dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm {99} Zes/Zez : Ancient, elder, respected {100} Zilv/Vuz : Forgotten, old, unknown |
Table 3 - Suffixes (D100)
Elf Name Generator D&d
{1} -a}-agh : Breaker, destruction, end, omega {2} -ace/-as : Savant, scholar, wizard {3} -ae/-aun : Dance, dancer, life, player {4} -aere/-d : Blood, blood of, heir {5} -afae/-afein : Bane, executioner, slayer {6} -afay/-aufein : Eyes, eyes of, seeress}seer {7} -ala/-launim : Healer, priestess}priest {8} -anna/-erin : Advisor, counsellor to {9} -arra/-atar : Queen}prince, queen of}prince of {10} -aste : Bearer, keeper, slaver {11} -avin/-aonar : Guardian, guard, shield {12} -ayne/-al : Lunatic, maniac, manic, rage {13} -baste/-gloth : Path, walker {14} -breena/-antar : Matriarch}patriarch, ruler {15} -bryn/-lyn : Agent, assassin, killer {16} -cice/-roos : Born of, Child, young {17} -cyrl/-axle : Ally, companion, friend {18} -da/-daer : Illusionist, trickster {19} -dia/-drin : Rogue, stealer {20} -diira/-diirn : Initiate, sister}brother {21} -dra/-zar : Lover, match, mate {22} -driira/-driirn : Mother}father, teacher {23} -dril/-dorl : Knight, sword, warrior {24} -e : Servant, slave, vassal {25} -eari/-erd : Giver, god, patron {26} -eyl : Archer, arrow, flight, flyer {27} -ffyn/-fein : Minstrel, singer, song {28} -fryn : Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of {29} -iara/-ica : Baron, duke, lady}lord {30} -ice/-eth : Obsession, taker, taken {31} -idil/-imar : Alpha, beginning, creator of, maker {32} -iira/-inid : Harbinger, herald {33} -inidia : Secret, wall, warder {34} -inil/-in : Lady}lord, rider, steed {35} -intra : Envoy, messenger, prophet {36} -isstra/-atlab : Acolyte, apprentice, student {37} -ithra/-irahc : Dragon, serpent, wyrm {38} -jra/-gos : Beast, biter, stinger {39} -jss : Scout, stalker {40} -kacha/-kah : Beauty, hair, style {41} -kiira/-raen : Apostle, disciple {42} -lay/-dyn : Flight, flyer, wing, wings {43} -lara/-aghar : Cynic, death, end, victim {44} -lin : Arm, armour, commander {45} -lochar : Messenger, spider {46} -mice/-myr : Bone, bones, necromancer, witch {47} -mur’ss : Shadow, spy, witness {48} -na/-nar : Adept, ghost, spirit {49} -nilee/-olil : Corpse, disease, ravager {50} -niss/-nozz : Chance, gambler, game | {51} -nitra/-net : Kicker, returned, risen {52} -nolu : Art, artist, expert, treasure {53} -olin : Ascension, love, lover, lust {54} -onia}-onim : Rod, staff, token, wand {55} -oyss}-omph : Binder, judge, law, prison {56} -qualyn : Ally, caller, kin {57} -quarra}-net : Horde, host, legion {58} -quiri}-oj : Aura, cloak, hide, skin {59} -ra}-or : Fool, game, prey, quarry {60} -rae}-rar: Secret, seeker, quest {61} -raema}-orvir: Crafter, fist, hand {62} -raena}-olvir: Center, haven, home {63} -riia}-rak: Chaos, storm, tempest {64} -ril: Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw {65} -riina}-ree: Enchanter, mage, spellcaster {66} -ryna}-oyn : Follower, hiGreen, mercenary {67} -ryne}-ryn : Blooded, elder, experienced {68} -shalee}-ral : Abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher {69} -ssysn}-rysn : Artifact, sorcerer, spell {70} -stin}-trin : Clan, house, merchant, of the house {71} -stra}-tran : Spider, spinner, weaver {72} -tana}-ton : Darkness, lurker, prowler {73} -thara}-tar : Glyph, marker, rune {74} -thrae/-olg : Charmer, leader, seducer {75} -tree/-tel : Exile, loner, outcast, pariah {76} -tyrr : Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion {77} -ual/-dan : Speed, strider {78} -ue/-dor : Arm, artisan, fingers {79} -uit/-dar : Breath, voice, word {80} -une/-dinn : Diviner, fate, future, oracle {81} -uque : Cavern, digger, mole, tunnel {82} -urra/-dax : Nomad, renegade, wanderer {83} -va/-ven : Comrade, honour, honouGreen {84} -vayas : Forge, forger, hammer, smith {85} -vyll : Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot {86} -vrae/-vyr : Mistress/master, overseer {87} -wae/-hrae : Heir, inheritor, princess {88} -wiira/-hriir : Seneschal of steward {89} -wyss/-hrys : Best, creator, starter {90} -xae/-zaer : Orb, rank, ruler, sceptre {91} -xena/-zen : Cutter, gem, jewel, jeweller {92} -xyra/-zyr : Sage, teller {93} -yl: Drow, woman/man {94} -ylene/-yln : Handmaiden/squire, maiden/youth {95} -ymma/-inyon : Drider, feet, foot, runner {96} -ynda/-yrd : Captain, custodian, marshal, ranger {97} -ynrae/-yraen : Heretic, reel, riot, void {98} -vrae: Architect, founder, mason {99} -yrr : Protector, rival, wielder {100} -zyne/-zt : Finder, hunter |
Table 4 - House Name Prefixes(D100)
{1-3} Alean : The noble line of {4-6} Ale : Traders in {7-10} Arab : Daughters of {11-13} Arken : Mages of {14-16} Auvry : Blood of the {17-20} Baen : Blessed by {21-23} Barri : Spawn of {24-26} Cladd : Warriors from {27-30} Desp : Victors of {31-33} De : Champions of {34-36} Do’ : Walkers in {37-40} Eils : Lands of {41-43} Everh : The cavern of {44-46} Fre : Friends to {47-50} Gode : Clan of | {51-53} Helvi : Those above {54-56} Hla : Seers of {57-60} Hun : The sisterhood of {61-63} Ken : Sworn to {64-66} Kil : People of {67-70} Mae : Raiders from {71-73} Mel : Mothers of {74-76} My : HonouGreen of {77-80} Noqu : SacGreen to {81-83} Orly : Guild of {84-86} Ouss : Heirs to {87-90} Rilyn : House of {91-93} Teken' : Delvers in {94-96} Tor : Mistresses of {97-00} Zau : Children of |
Table 5 - House Name Suffixes (D100)
Santa's Elves Names
{1-3} -afin : The web {4-6} -ana : The night {7-10} -ani : The widow {11-13} -ar : Poison {14-16} -arn : Fire {17-20} -ate : The way {21-23} -ath : The dragons {24-26} -duis : The whip {27-30} -ervs : The depths {31-33} -ep : The Underdark {34-36} -ett : Magic {37-40} -ghym : The forgotten ways {41-43} -iryn : History {44-46} -lyl : The blade {47-50} -mtor : The abyss | {51-53} -ndar : Black hearts {54-56} -neld : The arcane {57-60} -rae : Fell powers {61-63} -rahel : The gods {64-66} -rret : The void {67-70} -sek : Adamantite {71-73} -th : Challenges {74-76} -tlar : Mysteries {77-80} -t’tar : Victory {81-83} -tyl : The pits {84-86} -und : The spider’s kiss {87-90} -urden : The darkness {91-93} -val : Silken weaver {94-96} -virr : Dominance {97-100} -zynge : The ruins |