How To Add A Watch Window In Excel 2016 For Mac

Learn the basics of using Microsoft Excel for Mac, including the anatomy of a spreadsheet, how to enter data, how to make your data look good so it's easier. And that’s it; your data is now in your Excel workbook, live and ready to use in Excel 2016 for Mac or Excel for Windows! Working with a third-party data provider works the exact same way. The only difference is that after installing the data provider, you select New Database Query From Database and then select your data provider from the.

  1. Learn how to watch results of a distant cell in a huge spread sheet. Learn how to watch results of a distant cell in a huge spread sheet.
  2. On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Watch Window. Click Add Watch.

With StatPlus, one gets a robust suite of statistics tools and graphical analysis methods that are easily accessed through a simple and straightforward interface. The range of possible applications of StatPlus is virtually unlimited - sociology, financial analysis, biostatistics, economics, insurance industry, healthcare and clinical research - to name just a few fields where the program is already being extensively used.

While StatPlus is a professional statistical analysis tool, the interface is so simple that even people who have no knowledge of statistics are capable of processing data, provided they know how to use PC and clear instructions are given. This frees up intellectual resources for analyzing the results, rather than agonizing over who and how processed the data, and if any mistakes were made in the process.

Powerful Spreadsheet

Standalone version reads numerous text formats, Microsoft* Excel* 97-2003 (XLS) and 2007-2019 (XLSX) workbooks, SPSS* Documents (up to v22) and supports almost all Excel built-in worksheet functions (math, statistical, financial). StatPlus comes with Excel add-in (StatFi) that transforms Excel into a statistical software package.Version 5 includes own chart engine (histograms, bars, areas, point-graphs, pies, statistical charts, control charts) and reads StatSoft* Statistica* documents.

Buy It Now or Try It For Free

Statistics A-Z

StatPlus allows to perform various forms of analysis - from data transformation and sampling to complex analysis, including as non-parametric and regression analysis, survival analysis, and a wide variety of other methods.


StatPlus is available for both PC and Mac platforms at no extra charge. Both versions include standalone spreadsheet and Excel add-in. Save learning time and costs for your mixed PC and Mac environment.


Free Trial

We have free trial that gives you an opportunity to evaluate the software before you purchase it. Should you have any questions during the trial period, please feel free to contact our Support Team.


You will benefit from the reduced learning curve and attractive pricing while enjoying the benefits of precise routines and calculations. Mac/PC license is permanent, there is no renewal charges.


StatPlus requires Windows 2000 or newer, Windows 7 or newer recommended. Excel add-in (StatFi) requires Excel 2007 or newer. StatPlus supports Windows 10 and Excel 2019.

StatPlus and StatFi Features List

  • Pro Features
    • Fast and powerful standalone spreadsheet.
    • Add-in for Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
    • Priority support.
    • Permanent license with free major upgrades during the maintenance period.
    • Options to emulate Excel Analysis ToolPak results and migration guide for users switching from Analysis ToolPak.
  • Basic Statistics
    • Detailed descriptive statistics.
    • One-sample t-test.
    • Two-sample t-test.
    • Two-sample t-test for summarized data.
    • Fisher F-test.
    • One-sample and two-sample z-tests.
    • Correlation analysis and covariance.
    • Normality tests (Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Cramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, D'Agostino's tests).
    • Cross-tabulation and Chi-square.
    • Frequency tables analysis (for discrete and continuous variables).
    • Multiple definitions for computing quantile statistics.
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
    • One-way and two-way ANOVA (with and without replications).
    • Three-way analysis of variance.
    • Post-hoc comparisons - Bonferroni, Tukey-Kramer, Tukey B, Tukey HSD, Neuman-Keuls, Dunnett.
    • General Linear Models (GLM) ANOVA.
    • Within subjects ANOVA and mixed models.
  • Multivariate Analysis
    • Principal component analysis (PCA).
    • Factor analysis (FA).
    • Discriminant function analysis.
  • Nonparametric Statistics
    • 2x2 tables analysis (Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.).
    • Rank and percentile.
    • Chi-square test.
    • Rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, Fechner).
    • Comparing independent samples
      Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Median test.
    • Comparing dependent samples
      Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's W (coefficient of concordance).
    • Cochran's Q Test.
  • Regression Analysis
    • Multivariate linear regression (residuals analysis, collinearity diagnostics, confidence and prediction bands).
    • Weighted least squares (WLS) regression.
    • Logistic regression.
    • Stepwise (forward and backward) regression.
    • Polynomial regression.
    • Curve fitting.
    • Tests for heteroscedasticity: Breusch–Pagan test (BPG), Harvey test, Glejser test, Engle's ARCH test (Lagrange multiplier) and White test.
  • Time Series Analysis
    • Data processing.
    • Fourier analysis.
    • Smoothing.
    • Moving average.
    • Analysis.
    • Autocorrelation (ACF and PACF).
    • Interrupted time series analysis.
    • Unit root tests - Dickey–Fuller, Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF test), Phillips–Perron (PP test), Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS test).
  • Survival Analysis
    • Life tables.
    • Kaplan-Meier (log rank test, hazard ratios).
    • Cox proportional-hazards regression.
    • Probit-analysis (Finney and LPM).
      LD values (LD50/ED50 and others), cumulative coefficient calculation.
    • Receiver operating characteristic curves analysis (ROC analysis).
      AUC methods - DeLong's, Hanley and McNeil's. Report includes: AUC (with confidence intervals), curve coordinates, performance indicators - sensitivity and specificity (with confidence intervals), accuracy, positive and negative predictive values, Youden's J (Youden's index), Precision-Recall plot.
    • Comparing ROC curves.
  • Data Processing
    • Sampling (random, periodic, conditional).
    • Random numbers generation.
    • Standardization.
    • Stack/unstack operations.
    • Matrix operations.
  • Statistical Charts
    • Histogram
    • Scatterplot.
    • Box plot.
    • Stem-and-leaf plot.
    • Bland-Altman plot.
    • Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject.
    • Quantile-quantile Q-Q plots for different distributions.
    • Control charts - X-bar, R-chart, S-chart, IMR-chart, P-chart, C-chart, U-chart, CUSUM-chart.

Windows Migration Assistant transfers your contacts, calendars, email accounts, and more from a PC. It migrates this data to the appropriate places on your Mac. After migrating data to your Mac, authorize your computer for iTunes Store purchases. It’s important to authorize before you sync or play content that you download from the iTunes Store.

If you're migrating from one Mac to another Mac, follow the steps to move your content to a new Mac.

Before you begin

To prepare for a smooth migration:

  • Make sure that Windows is up to date. Migration Assistant works with Windows 7 and later.
  • Make sure that you know the name and password of an administrator account on your PC.
  • Connect your Mac and PC to the same network, such as your home Wi-Fi network. Or connect an Ethernet cable between the ports on your Mac and PC to create a direct network connection. Some Mac models require an Ethernet adapter, such as the Belkin USB-C to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter or Apple Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter.
  • If you're using Microsoft OneDrive on your PC, follow Microsoft's instructions for uninstalling OneDrive before continuing. You can reinstall OneDrive after migration is complete.

Then use the check disk (chkdsk) utility on your PC to make sure that your Windows hard drive doesn’t have any issues:

  1. Right-click the Start button, then click Run.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter. Command Prompt opens.
  3. At the prompt, type chkdsk and press Enter.
  4. If the utility reports that it found problems, type the following, where drive is the letter that represents your Windows startup disk, such as D:
  5. Press Enter.
  6. At the prompt, type Y, then restart your PC.
  7. Repeat this process until the check disk utility reports no issues. If the utility can't fix every issue that it finds, you might need to have your PC serviced. Then migrate your data to your Mac.

Move your data

This section guides you through migration, post-migration, and what to do if the steps don’t work for you.

How to move your information from a PC to your Mac

  1. On your PC, download and install the appropriate Windows Migration Assistant, based on the version of macOS on your Mac:
    • Windows Migration Assistant for macOS Big Sur
    • Windows Migration Assistant for macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina
    • Windows Migration Assistant for macOS Sierra and High Sierra
    • Windows Migration Assistant for OS X El Capitan or earlier
  2. Quit any open Windows apps.
  3. Open Windows Migration Assistant, then click Continue.
  4. Start up your Mac. Setup Assistant automatically opens the first time you turn on your Mac. If you’ve already set up your Mac, open Migration Assistant, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  5. On your Mac, follow the onscreen prompts until you get to the migration pane of the assistant. Select the option to transfer your information “From a Windows PC,” then click Continue.
  6. When prompted, enter an administrator name and password.
  7. Click Continue to close any other open apps.
  8. In the migration window on your Mac, select your PC from the list of available computers. Then wait for the PC to show the same passcode that your Mac shows.
  9. When both computers display the same passcode, click Continue on your PC and Mac.
  10. Your Mac scans the drives on your PC to build a list of information to migrate. When the scan completes, select the information that you want to migrate to your Mac and click Continue. Learn about some of the data that you can transfer.

You can watch the progress and estimated time remaining on both the PC and your Mac. They tell you when migration is complete.

After you move your data

When migration completes, close Windows Migration Assistant on your PC. Then log in to the new user account on your Mac. The first time you log in to a user account migrated from your PC, you’re asked to set a password. You can use the same password that you used on your PC, or create a new password.

After logging in to the user account that you migrated, authorize your computer for iTunes Store purchases. It’s important to authorize before you sync or play content downloaded from the iTunes Store.

If you have issues moving your data

  • Quit all open apps on your PC, then try migrating your content again. For example, you can press Alt-Tab to choose an open application, then press Alt-F4 to quit it.
  • If your PC doesn't appear in the Setup Assistant or Migration Assistant window on your Mac, make sure the computers are connected to the same network. You can create a network by connecting a single Ethernet cable between your Mac and PC. If that doesn't help, check for firewall software on your PC and turn it off. After migration completes, you can turn firewall software on again.
  • If Migration Assistant doesn’t open on your PC, turn off any antivirus software on your PC. Then try to open Migration Assistant again. After migration completes. You can turn that software on again.
  • If you still can't migrate your information successfully, you can use an external drive or file sharing to manually copy important data to your Mac.

What data can I transfer?

How To Add A Watch Window In Excel 2016 For Macbook Pro

How To Add A Watch Window In Excel 2016 For Mac

Migration Assistant lets you choose the data to move to your Mac. Here’s what moves over for specific apps and data types:

Email, contacts, and calendar information
Email messages, email-account settings, contacts, and appointments move based on which version of Windows you're using and which accounts you have.

How To Add A Watch Window In Excel 2016 For Mac Os

Data from 32-bit versions of Outlook in Windows 7 and later move as follows:

  • People move to Contacts2
  • Appointments move to the Calendar app
  • IMAP and Exchange settings and messages move to the Mail app
  • POP settings and messages move to Mail2
How to add a watch window in excel 2016 for mac os

Windows Live Mail
Data from Windows Live Mail in Windows 7 and later moves as follows:

  • IMAP settings and messages move to Mail
  • POP settings and messages move to Mail2

Windows Mail
Data from Windows Mail in Windows 7 and later (excluding Windows 8) move as follows:

  • IMAP settings and messages move to Mail
  • POP settings and messages move to Mail2
  • People move to Contacts

Bookmarks from Internet Explorer, Safari for Windows, and Firefox move to Safari.

System settings
Language and location settings, and custom desktop pictures move to System Preferences. Your web browser homepage moves to Safari preferences.

Photos and other images move to your home folder. You can then add them to Photos, or open Photos and let it search your Mac for photos to import.

iTunes content
Migration Assistant transfers your iTunes media as follows: music to the Apple Music app, videos to the Apple TV app, podcasts to the Apple Podcasts app, and audiobooks to the Apple Books app.

Other files
Migration Assistant also moves these files:

How To Add A Watch Window In Excel 2016 For Macs

  • Files from the top-level folder of the currently logged-in user’s home directory
  • Non-system files located in the Windows or Program Files folders
  • Top-level folders located on the Windows system disk and other attached disks

1. Migration Assistant doesn’t support 64-bit versions of Outlook. You can manually migrate Mail, Contacts, or Calendars from Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016 by signing in and entering the content on your Mac manually.

2. Migration Assistant transfers only the Mail or Contacts data that belongs to the logged-in Windows user. To transfer data from another user account, use Migration Assistant again while you’re logged in to another Windows account. Each time you migrate, your Mac creates a new user account.